Tuesday, April 21, 2009

People Who Make It Happen: Jacklyn Greenberg

Something Alan and I both agreed we really wanted for the wedding day was a great photographer. We didn't want the 'stand and smile' kind of person, we wanted some one who was "made of creative awesome".

We both spent weeks going through websites trying to find the perfect person to capture not only us, but you guys too! Alan and I have horrid memories so having photographic evidence is probably a good way to remember our wedding day and who was there to help us celebrate! Anywho, it took us weeks to find just the right person but with constant vigilance we were able to find her!

Meet Jacklyn Greenberg!

She's totally not this innocent

Jacklyn, hails from Connecticut. She's an amazing artist with an amazing personality. Her excitement about what she does is absolutely infectious. So much so, that leaving a conversation with Jacklyn always has us smiling. Easy going, with a creative and colorful flare to her artwork, and eco-friendly, we were happy to give Jacklyn the job.

You can check out her work which includes not only weddings, but families, and everything else under the sun (including kids, omg so CUUUTE!!!) at her website which is also linked to her blog!

Jacklyn is more than happy for all of you to take your own photos during the day, all she asks is the space allowed for her to work.

If you have any questions for us to pass along to Jacklyn feel free to shoot them to acmewedding@gmail.com

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