Monday, April 6, 2009

FAQ Session 3 : How to Use This Blog

According to Wikipedia, Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ are a list of questions and answers that pertain to one common subject. When it comes to big shindigs, anyone whose planned a party will tell you people ask a lot of questions - and generally they're the same ones. FAQ Sessions will be posted here for the purpose of answering questions that frequently pop up. If you have any specific questions or concerns feel free to leave a comment or drop a line at our blog e-mail: I'm sure we won't be able to think of everything you guys will end up asking us, so feel free to suggest subjects we should touch upon.


Hey everyone! We're really glad that you guys have decided to pop on by and check out
what's going on here on our blog. We're trying to keep it updated with information
on anything and everything we can possibly think of you keep you guys in the know on what's going on.

A good deal of you know what a blog is and how to use it, but some of you (like my Mom) may not. So we're going to go over a few basics on how to use this blog to leave us comments on our posts, vote in polls, how often to check back, and other stuff. So lets get started!

1. How do I comment on a blog entry?
A blog entry is pretty much any specific article you see here. Each entry, near the last few words of the article has a small bit of text at the bottom. Each are links, and you can leave a comment on the entry by hitting the comment button. Simply write your message in the appropriate field and choose an option from the "comment as" drop down menu. The menu allows you to post as anything from your AIM screen name to Anonymous. Choose which you'd like to post as and hit 'post comment'. Your message has now been posted on the comment section of our blog. You should not have to sign up to leave a comment here. If you run into any problems please shoot us an e-mail at and we'll see what we can do to fix the issue.

2. Why would I leave comments?
Short Answer: It helps us get feedback from everyone, and keeps us in contact with you (and visa versa).

Long Answer: Leaving comments helps us know if we're even getting across the ideas that we want to correctly. By leaving comments you can suggest ideas, and pose questions. Comments allow you to get to know other people who may be coming to the wedding, and they also help us to make sure we're giving you all the information you may need on a subject. It's an easy method to keep us all in touch with one another. Comments can, in general, be pretty entertaining too.

SO, LEAVE COMMENTS! We WANT to hear back from you!

3. What is a Poll? Is it an Ad?
A poll is just what it sounds like. A question is posed, and a group at large (that means you guys) get to give us your answer. No, the poll is NOT an Ad. The poll is made by us, though we're open to suggestions on topics. To participate in a poll, simply read the question and choose the answer which best fits your opinion. That easy.

4. How often do you plan to update?
Alan and I plan on updating this thing a least once a week. I have a personal goal of posting something about every three days, but we'll see how that turns out. Rule of thumb, check back once every few days to see if we've updated. If we haven't feel free to bug us about it!

5. There's a button at the bottom that says 'Older Posts'. What is this?
If you've found a button that says older posts, that simply means we've got a back log of old articles. Think of it like turning the page in a book. You've read the first page, and now you want to catch up on the next - so just hit the friendly "Older Posts" button. You may have read them, but if we suddenly go on a posting frenzy and you need to catch up, check the 'older posts' button to make sure you haven't missed anything.

6. I have some other questions, which may or may not pertain to this blog. How do I contact you?
Simply drop us a line at our blog e-mail!

Hope this helped!

- Carrie

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the invite to comment. Enjoyed classic his-her descriptions of how you met. Woman sees finely trimmed victorian house - man sees a lot of trim to be painted but a nice barn to put all his stuff!

    Looking forward to the big day!

