Saturday, January 31, 2009

Accomplishing Stuff!

YAY! Stuff is getting accomplished!

I got back from Maine (where said stuff was accomplished) Thursday evening. After two weeks of me without any Alan and Alan without any me, it's an understatement to say we were happy to see one another again

So far we've got several things done and out of the way.

Number 1 being our caterer!

Yes that is a barbeque. Yes we're having barbeque . No, you're not allowed to touch the barbeque cooker unless you're name is Mark, and you happen to run a business known as the Olde Kennebec Wood Cookery. That's right people, YANKS can do the barbeque too! Mark's been at this biz for a few years, and does his thing for the love of the culinary art. Dishes are prepared hours
a head of time slowly cooked over a split wood fire. Mark's set up looks something like the love child of a steam engine and a caboose, but it delivers a quality of food that leaves people raving. I looked long and hard for a person that would be able to fit the bill of our catering needs - the majority of people I contacted were very professional but just didn't have the mind set that I thought would be necessary for the party we're trying to throw. So I kept looking only to find Mark and his mastery of wood cookery. So when you're walking down to the reception site and you can smell the thick mouthwatering smell of spiced,wood cooked food wafting through the autumn air, know that Mark is there eager to give you a taste of his slow cooked culinary masterpieces. You can find out more about Mark and his work at his website.

We've also got the tent stuff figu
red out. The New England Tent & Awning Co. is a family run business that's been around since the 1920's! They really worked with us to give us the most for our money, and were happy to see that the location for our reception wouldn't be as bad as I was making it out to sound.

This is a picture of the reception site from the main house. The red barn, generally houses boats
during the winter. On our wedding day, the barn will instead be housing the music, any dancing, and sofa's to chill out on. A few feet away in front of the barn is where the tent will be placed with plenty of room to sit and enjoy Mark's delicious food. Heaters will be inside both the tent and the barn for optimum comfort for all. Come October snow shouldn't be an issue, so no worries.

I got a buncha other stuff accomplished too but hey, I gotta leave some stuff to write about later.

- Carrie


  1. BBQ pork is one of my favorite foods - combine that with the scents of autumn and it is going to be one sweet smelling party!

  2. Hi, this is Ellen, Thomas, and Charlotte. We are so excited to witness your joyous day! Great Story about how you met. Congratulations, hope we'll see you this summer!
